The 5 most expensive antique violins at auction
First up is the Guarneri "del Gesù", the first violin to be auctioned in ten years, which sold for £3.5 million. Then, in June, Tarisio auctioned off a 308-year-old "Leonardo da Vinci" ex-Seidel Stradivari, which sold for $15 million. A second Stradivari, the "Helier", also appeared at Christie's Auction House. Unfortunately, it failed to reach the reserve price and had no bidders.
排名 | 小提琴名称 | 制作年份 | luthier | 成交价格 | 备注 |
1 | 救世主 | 1716 | Antonio Stradivari | 2000万美元 | 保存状态完好,现为牛津阿什莫雷姆博物馆展品 |
2 | Lady Blunt | 1716 | Antonio Stradivari | 1590万美元 | 以拜伦勋爵女儿命名,在纽约拍卖会成交 |
3 | Vieuxtemps | 1741 | Guarneri del Gesù | 1580万美元 | 曾属法国作曲家亨利·维耶旺,现由Anne Akiko Meyers演奏 |
4 | ‘达芬奇’ Ex-Seidel | 1714 | Antonio Stradivari | 1534万美元 | 随着原始部件完好保存,适合演出 |
5 | Ex-Kochanski | 1715 | Guarneri del Gesù | 1000万美元 | 由波兰大师保罗·科查斯基拥有,2009年成交 |
While most ultra-valuable violin sales are not public, here is a list of the world's most expensive violins, updated to the latest public auction sales:
The 5 Most Expensive Violins in Auction History
1. Messiah Antonio Stradivari – $20 million
2. Lady Blunt Antonio Stradivari – $15.9 million
Antonio Stradivari
Lady Blunt got its name because the person who bought the violin was Lady Anne Blunt, the daughter of Lord Byron. She named the violin because she heard it was one of the best violins ever made. In fact, it was made by Antonio Stradivari around 1716. The violin remained in perfect condition and sold at a New York City auction for a record price of $15.9 million.
3. Vieuxtemps Guarneri del Gesù – $15.8 million
4. 'Leonardo Da Vinci' Ex-Seidel Antonio Stradivari – $15.3 million
Most expensive violin at auction
Here's the latest example on this list: Leonardo da Vinci's 1714 "ex-Seidel" Stradivari violin sold at auction for $15.34 million (£12.29 million) last June. The instrument is named after its long-time owner, American violinist Toscha Seidel, who
I have played on this violin for nearly 40 years. This violin was made by Italian master luthier Antonio Stradivari in 1714 and represents one of the masterpieces of his "golden period" of craftsmanship. This is the first time since 15 years that a golden period instrument has been sold at auction. With its original parts, this violin is well preserved and ready for performance.
5. Ex-Kochanski Guarneri del Gesù – $10 million
The Ex-Kochanski Guarneri del Gesù is one of the most famous musical instruments made by Italian luthier Antonio Stradivari. It was made in 1715 and was originally owned by the Polish master Paul Koczalski. In 2009, Christie's auctioned the violin for $10 million. It was purchased by a German collector and later donated to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Today, the violin remains in the museum's collection and is used by some of the world's finest musicians.