Han Jiangpeng Handmade Violin Studio and Xiaoyu Violin Making Studio were established in 2003. From the beginning, our goal has been to make high-quality violins and make them accessible to everyone at affordable prices.
After all the time and experience we have spent over the years making purehandmade violinIn this aspect, it strictly follows the ancient Italianviolin makingTechniques and the continuation of the experience we have accumulated over the years. Adhering to the use of high-quality and high-grade maple and spruce wood, crafted with fine craftsmanship, and constantly adjusted and broken in for better sound. In addition, we also collect many old violins and serve as violin consultants for many performance-level teachers. Through these methods, we have always maintained the tradition and innovation of violin making and provided the best service to our violin friends.
Contact number: 17280837525 WeChat: dwtiqin